Membership Categories

There are two categories of CODAA Membership: Fair-Share and Active:

Membership Category


How to Join & Maintain Membership

CODAA Member –

Fair-Share CODAA Members are part of the bargaining unit, i.e. they are covered by the CODAA Contract but they are not members of the IEA/NEA.

Dues are 88% of Active dues or $111.75.75/semester (2017-18 academic year).  They are deducted automatically from member’s paychecks.

Fair-Share Members are members of the local bargaining unit, but they are not members of the IEA/NEA.  Thus, they do not have voting privileges, or have access to IEA/NEA benefits such as insurance and discount programs, legal help, and complimentary life insurance.

The College’s Human Resources department notifies CODAA automatically when an instructor has met the basic eligibility requirements to become a bargaining unit member.

Paperwork to join IEA/NEA is sent to all eligible instructors each Fall; instructors return paperwork and indicate desired membership category.  (Note: If no paperwork is returned, Fair-Share designation is automatically assigned).

Instructors need to teach enough credit hours to maintain eligibility from year to year.

CODAA Member –  Active IEA/NEA

Active CODAA Members are part of the bargaining unit, i.e. they are covered by the CODAA Contract and are full members of the IEA/NEA.

Dues are $126.75/semester (2017-18 academic year).  They are deducted automatically from member’s paychecks.

Active Members enjoy full voting privileges and have full access to IEA/NEA benefits such as insurance and discount programs, legal help, and complimentary life insurance.

The $30 per year difference contributes toward the IEA political action fund. An active member may request the $30 difference be refunded by writing to the IEA, following the directions on the application form.

The College’s Human Resources department notifies CODAA automatically when an instructor has met the basic eligibility requirements to become a bargaining unit member.

Paperwork to join IEA/NEA is sent to newly eligible instructors each Fall; instructors return paperwork and indicate desired membership category.  Once paperwork to join the IEA/NEA is submitted by an instructor, it does not (usually) have to be filed again.

Instructors need to teach enough credit hours to maintain eligibility from year to year.